The Emir’s Personal Favor

Emir Vazilur
Ashduur Cove / Mystras
 Go to Sweet Mila and ask her about some puppies.

"[...] First we need a cage. It must be robust but spacious. I'm sure the blacksmith can make one for you. Then hurry to the witch and get a cure for seasickness. After that, you should stop by the tavern to get some supplies of food for our good boy, and for the picky eater, get 5 fresh fish that you can find in Mystras."
  First go to Stavros the blacksmith and ask him to make a cage.

"[...] Warrior, bring me forty pieces of bubbly metal and six pieces of Ragtikron Leather. And the Arboris wood. It is moisture resistant. As soon as you bring me that, I'll build you a kennel for the long crossing!"
 Bring the Blacksmith 40 pcs. of Bubbly Metal, 6 pcs. of Ragtikron Leather and 8 pcs. of Fragment of Young Arboris.
40x  6x  8x
Note: The "wood" is dropped by the Young Arboris.

 Go to Gredeya the Witch to ask for the potion.
She asks you to bring her 1 pc. of Gurraldiy Korr Slime and 50 pcs. of Fire Flower.
1x  50x

 Then ask Voluptuous Mary about food for the puppies.
She wants 3 gold from you.

 Get 5 fresh fish and return to Sweet Mila.

 Take the cage to Elendiyar the Keeper.

 Go back to Emir Vazilur.

3x  20x  1x  1x